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Here I present my treatment philosophy and my way of working.

For more information about the framework conditions pleas click here:


In general, I follow scientifically based methods and professional guidelines.

I strive to embody a psychotherapy that is contemporary, humanistic, inclusive and progressive.


I see the different therapeutic approaches as important complementary perspectives for a holistic understanding of human beings. The choice of interventions depends on the respective indication, in particular your consent, the symptoms, professional arguments as well as my skills and beliefs.


The guideline procedure I work with is (cognitive) behavioral therapy. The name is too concise and thus potentially misleading. This form of therapy does not solely concentrate on behavior, but also on thought processes, emotions, physical processes, interactions and biographical backgrounds. 

Therapeutic Approach

Basically, I try to teach mindfulness, self-care and compassion. I also specialize in the inclusion of social identity characteristics (race, gender, class, disability).


My therapeutic perspective is characterized by the procedures of the so-called “third wave” of cognitive behavioral therapy. According to youlonely is an integrative (cross-diagnosis and therapy school) orientationattention to general human processes as well as a focus on mindfulness, compassion, emotions and biographically developed interaction patterns. You are  scientifically well supported and have proven to be effective in many areas of application. 


These procedures include, for example:


• ACT: Acceptance and commitment therapy (focus on mindfulness, acceptance, value orientation, flexibility)
• CFT: Compassion Focused Therapy and Mindful Self-Compassion (focus on (self-)compassion)
• EFT: Emotion Focused Therapy (focus on emotional processing)
• Schema therapy (focus on interpersonal behavior)


In addition to working on stressful/negative content, I think it is important that you also turn to positive aspects of life and yourself as part of therapy. This promotes the activation of “healthy” parts and maintains psychological balance. The promotion of resources, needs and value orientation, resilience and coherence (finding meaning) always accompanies the therapy process. To do this, I like to use methods from positive psychology as well as narrative and experience-oriented methods.


Here you will find further texts regarding Mindfulness and (Self-)compassion.



I value diversity and feel personally and professionally committed to supporting people affected by discrimination.

I am therefore committed to greater consideration of the issues of gender, culture, race, class and inclusion of people with disabilities in psychotherapeutic care and am continuing my education in this regard. I have personal relationships and professional experiences with people who:

a) are BIPoC, expats, have migrated themselves or whose families have a migration history and/or
b) are LGBTQIA*, i.e. lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter*, queer, asexual/agender and/or
c) have physical or mental disabilities. 


Here you will find further texts regarding gender sensitive and culturally sensitive psychotherapy.

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